Specialty Areas
The Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants are highly qualified in treating all orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, gait and balance issues, vestibular conditions, along with those dealing with osteoporosis.
The Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants are highly qualified in treating all orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, gait and balance issues, vestibular conditions, along with those dealing with osteoporosis.
The Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants are highly qualified in treating all orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, gait and balance issues, vestibular conditions, along with those dealing with osteoporosis.
We bring this service directly to your home. This service is for those patients who have difficulty making it to our office and do not require any other rehabilitation service such as nursing or OT. Other conditions frequently treated include gait and balance dysfunction as well as general deconditioned status.
We advise that you speak with your insurance company as well, as some plans might require that you see a physician first.
We also perform FREE Balance Screenings for senior facilities near our three locations.
Please call 732-297-0032 to schedule one for your facility.
Connect with your Physical Therapist outdoors! Participate in prescribed exercises, with your Physical Therapist! Target your pain, improve your overall health, and work as a team to reach YOUR goals.
On your driveway, at the park or another appropriate spot outside. (Currently serving West Windsor, Plainsboro and Princeton)
Morning or Afternoon Visits Available Monday through Friday
It's healthy, safe and convenient (Social Distancing, Fresh Air)
Patients that are NOT a fall risk are eligible for this new service. Patients who may be at risk for falling and need close supervision will be referred to Home Care Services.
Covered by Medicare. For other insurance plans, we offer a private pay option.
Jersey Physical Therapy serves Middlesex, Somerset & Mercer counties.
The Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants are highly qualified in treating all orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, gait and balance issues, vestibular conditions, along with those dealing with osteoporosis.