JPT 60 Day Healthy Challenge

JPT-60-Day-Logo.fwJersey Physical Therapy recently launched their first ever 60 day healthy challenge on February 1st, 2016. What originally began as a way to improve the health of the JPT staff, became a program that was made available to patients and the community. Owner Dr. Marc Rubenstein, PT, DPT, OCS states, “We started discussing the challenge in our offices and were thrilled with the positive feedback we had from our patients. They wanted to get involved. That’s when we decided to try and promote this to our patients and surrounding communities.” Because of the excellent response, we extended the sign up date to February 12th.

The focus is not on weight loss but on healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, sleep, and water just to name a few. Add accountability and a supportive community and Jersey PT hopes that this FREE program will help people start or continue living healthier lives. Dr. Avani Vora, PT, DPT states “We see this as a way to promote health and wellness in a positive manner. Many see physical therapy as something you do after an injury. We see the value in educating the public on how increasing quantity of movement and teaching efficient movement can prevent many cardiac and musculoskeletal conditions.”

Prizes will be given out for those patients and staff members who have the highest point totals in a variety of categories. “February is Heart Month so this challenge fits in perfectly. Exercise can be viewed as medicine and there is a proper dosage. Before starting an exercise program, we recommend you consult your physical therapist or physician. “ says owner Sean Moore, PT, MPT.

What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve with the #JPT60Day Challenge? Let us know on Facebook, twitter or Instagram and keep us up to date with your progress.

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